Saturday, January 3, 2009

ongoing conversion

i liked this list for setting some goals for the new year. i don't ever make resolutions, however, i am always trying to improve my life by setting small goals, usually on a daily or weekly basis. maybe in the future i'll post some things i am trying to do from said list.

this morning i read a Litany of Ongoing Conversion and i was extremely affected by what i read. i think that i could focus on some of the points below, for my own ongoing conversion, in this new year.

"Only those, who continue in their conversion truly know God" (Abbot Andre Louf)

" Conversion involves the transformation of all our fragmented experiences, all our disjointed and painful memories, all our divisive and frustrating moments of unachieved hopes, yearnings, and dreams, as well as our failures and loss of self-esteem or sense of worth resulting from the destructive power of evil (M. Gaudoin-Parker)

so, with the response being: Lord, give me the grace of conversion,

i pray:
when i would rather brood over what annoys me than turn myself over to YOU, who always invite me to come to YOU..............

when i obsess over self-absorption, complacency, and self-assertiveness.............

when i get dejected about my sin, not because it offends YOU, but because it prevents me from being able to take delight in myself.............

whenever i live in a dualistic way, as if my faith and my "real life" are two separate things...........

when i am deceived into thinking that my happiness depends on something in the future instead of what YOU give me in the present moment.............

when discouragement and shame make it hard for me to be faithful...........

when self-doubt and fear have the last say.............

when impenetrability takes over my life, making me resistant to YOUR beauty and all the little ways YOU ordain to give YOURSELF to me............

when i get distracted by my feelings, my emotions, my passions, my regrets.........

when i get discouraged by chronic or recurring sins in my life..........


when the oppressive nihilism of life makes me ignore or reduce the desires of my heart that lead me to YOU.............

whenever i treat my preconceptions like idols that drain my life of wonder and simplicity.......


when i would rather live my life in a safe or sheltered way instead of living my life as a risk, putting YOUR will first in all things...............

when the daily inner rebellion makes me cynical and negative about what really matters most..........

when my misgivings keep me from receiving the fresh embrace of love YOU offer me at every moment...............
it is so easy to get lost under the weight of all the things there are to do in this life. i literally have volumes of planners where lists are stored of projects, goals, lesson plans, etc. and sometimes it can be depressing to go back and look at all of the things i didn't do, however, thanks be to GOD, i have realized that i can only do so much. there are only 24 hours in each day and no matter how much coffee i drink, i cannot stay awake for all 24, accomplish all of those things and still be a nice person. most of my plans don't even pertain to the salvation of my soul, or the souls of my husband and children, which, in the end is really all that matters. so the ONLY real goal i have for this year is to strive to obtain some kind of balance in my life. i need to go back to my rule and see what needs to be adjusted as it has been a while since i wrote it, come up with a new schedule and start from there.

but right now all of the muddy, wet laundry is piling up again from another snow day and there is an explosion of dirty dishes from a double batch of brownies. perhaps just for today my conversion can be found somewhere in those piles.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

wishing you........

and signing off for a few days!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the i gave octamom an award and it took her two years to post it award

now i don't do very well with praise. i greatly appreciate it, but it is never the reason that motivates me to do what i do. maybe it is partly because i never feel very worthy and partly because i feel like any good that i do, comes from God anyway therefore i don't really deserve the credit....
however, juli, was kind enough to bestow this award upon me and so here it is. it has taken me a few weeks to post it-not 2 years-for i tried a few times, but i just couldn't get the words out. and since this award involves serious chocolate eating, which i will be giving up doing so much of due to my newest resolution to start watching what i eat a little more-for spiritual and health related reasons-the addiciton to ghiradelli's peppermint bark candy has outstayed its' welcome-and so i thought now would be a good time to post this. (the night i received the award i did eat some rocky road icecream to celebrate and today i'll have a few chocolate chips-please don't judge me..........)
it is with great joy that i pass this award to the following ladies........there are so many wonderful, holy "moms to a multitude", but today i chose these:
~Kimberly at catholic family vignettes (she was my very first catholic blog, bella dia being my first blog ever-to read)
~Jessica at a shower of roses
~Barbara at praying for grace
and last, but certainly not least, a newly discovered gem:
and so the rules(which i think have been changed by some choco-holic along the way) go like this:
-You must eat a piece of chocolate in honor of accepting the award
-You must eat another piece of chocolate when you put it on your blog
-You must visit Debi B. who designed the award for the original Octamom
-You may add or subtract to the rules as it suits your fancy!
so, with this final rule, i add the following rule: since us moms to a multitude are quite often busy, please do not feel pressured to post or pass this award on. if it gathers a bit of virtual dust, i completely understand. there are many meaningful things in my life which gather dust occasionally, but since i am no loger superwoman, it is ok with me!
p.s. please try and visit the ladies i have passed this prestigious award to.

Monday, December 29, 2008

superwoman syndrome

yesterday afternoon, as i was napping on the couch after a loooooooooong Sunday, a long week actually, i heard the rustling of plastic bags and i leaped off the couch because i knew what he was doing. he was bagging clothes to take to the laundromat and there was no way i could let him do that, that is MY JOB after all, isn't it? I am the one in charge of those things.....usually that it is.

up until very recently my husband has had a very physically demanding job. he was/is a concrete contractor/construction foreman, used to very hard work, often coming home tired, dirty and in no position to do any domestic duties. but now he is in an office all day, learning how to play the stock market, which if you knew my husband, you would smile a little bit because he is such a tough guy.

in these uncertain times, i am thankful he has a job at all, but i must admit i was a bit concerned how this change would affect him, and us. he is coming home earlier, he is not sooo tired. he has more energy when he comes home.

there has been a bit of tension around here lately as we adjust to a new schedule and try to find a routine that works for both of us.

one of the things he is expecting of me is that i work out with him. i have mentioned before that i am not very enthusiastic about physical activities. i'd rather snuggle up on the couch with a few good storybooks or some hand-sewing, but all he is asking of me this week is 10 minutes on the exercise bike.........which is 3.5 miles. wow, was i tired last night! i think this is his way of curing me of my night-owl ways, which are so irritating to him. we have such different body clocks and it is hard to force myself to do things which are so contrary to my nature (even though the things i prefer to do are not very good for me).

so over the next few weeks i will get over myself and stop thinking that i need to be the one who has to do everything. that superwoman syndrome can be so dangerous; it is very contrary to the spirit of humility and i know that it has to go. i will let him bag the clothes-after i sort them=), of course, and today, we will go again, to the laundromat, which is our new hangout, after we've worked out and maybe he'll tell me again, "isn't this kind of nice?" like he did last night, as he put his head on my shoulder while we sat side-by-side- waiting for the clothes to finish washing, he was watching the news and i was doing a little hand sewing......i never thought moments like that could strengthen a marriage, but it seemed to.

i have known my husband since i was 13 years old, which is more than half of my life. we have been through many, many things together. surely we can get through this, right?

ps. today the part will get ordered for the washer.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

DIVINE artwork

saturday afternoon drive