i am thinking............about doing some Christmas shopping with my husband this afternoon
i am thankful for..............a husband who has a job, a roof over our heads, health and of course our beautiful FAITH that brings so much peace and joy during this season especially, but all year long!
in our bookroom...............lots of Christmas reading and crafts, Advent school, still going around the world with the Child Jesus and our Lady and reading from the Children's Book of virtues
from the kitchen................oatmeal rolls
i am wearing.............green velvet pants, a white shirt and my uggs
i am creating.............some grey handwarmers for my daughter, this will be interesting since i am not using a pattern, can't really find one for crochet
i am going.............to have dinner out with my husband tonite
i am reading..............we and our children, molding the child in christian living by
mary reed newland
i am hoping............that my husband will get home safely, it is awfully wet and stormy outside and he has a long drive home
i am hearing............a lot of sirens, two big boys running around outside-for they've escaped-and a little one whining because he wants to go out too and he's worried about one particular kitty that can't seem to find her way in the house
around the house..................some organizing to do, clean laundry to put away, can't do too much without soap
one of my favorite things..............a change in the weather. it's finally starting to look like winter around here
a few plans for the rest of the week................a field-trip with the kids, caroling at a retirement home, a cookies-baking/ornament making/horseback riding day with a dear friend and her kids, a little bit of Christmas shopping to do, some handmade gifts to finish, a meal to plan for a friend who just had twins, one is still in the hospital-a little boy and the little girl is home now with her other 4, some little hats to make for them, hopefully a quilt for each of them too! the dollies need a few things also, my daughter has a few requests she has already put in.
some picture thoughts i am sharing..........
(all of them are taken from inside the house since we are locked in-well, i am anyway!)
don't forget to head over to peggy's for more daybook entries!