this new/old house is so cozy,
which is another way of saying small!
i don't even know where we'll put a tree...........i told the kids maybe we could put one outside like the Christmas cards you see where there is a decorated tree in the forest.
i don't even know where we'll put a tree...........i told the kids maybe we could put one outside like the Christmas cards you see where there is a decorated tree in the forest.
i am really not in the mood to put too many things out this year.
maybe i am secretly afraid that if there are too many things,
HE will be crowded and HE won't come....
striving to keep things simpler, i am letting the kids have it their way.
to display nativity sets in their homes.
he should be glad to know we have one in every room!
i've picked up so many different ones through the years at thrift stores and yard sales.
i haven't gotten the big one out yet, but i will as it was a wedding gift from my parents.
right now i am loving:
greenery here and there, many little trees, some pinecones and of course stars!
i was very excited about making some glittered pine-cones that i've seen in various spots on the web. i told amy i would be borrowing her idea when i took a tour of her home.
i made one simple pillow cover with some vintage fabric
i bought and added a doily for decoration.
i decided to frame it in an old frame after much painstaking hand-sewing.
finding Jesus-and God-just about-around every corner, in every leaf on the ground, in the sky and sunset, in flowers and trees, subtle, yet so powerfully moving at the same time. His beautiful presence is everywhere, you just have to know what you are looking for.
i know what i am looking for right now............HIS peace.
i have always loved the scripture verse that says...
"He shall be peace...."
not that He shall bring peace or give peace,
but that HE shall BE peace.
so today, whether you're planning and decorating
BIG or little for Christmas
i wish you His peace!